Monthly Archives: January 2013

The Bechdel Test

Okay, so the Bechdel Test came up in the discussion of Pitch Perfect and I didn’t want to lose the flow of the review too much (as IF my reviews are stream lined beasts rather than the rambling piles of words they actually are)

The Bechdel Test is based on a comic by Alison Bechdel

So to pass the test you need to have two female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man. I think the version most commonly used now requires the women to be named. There are other versions of it that are slightly different, but if I mention it, I want the characters to be named ladies who talk about something other than a man.

Sometimes there’ll be arguable cases and if there is one I’ll make a note of it.

It’s frankly chilling how many films fail this test.  Passing the Bechdel Test doesn’t necessarily make a film feminist or stop it from being sexist (or, for that matter, good) but it’s a really good launching off point to think about films and feminism.

Feminism will come up on this blog from time to time because it’s something I’m interested in, but it’s not something I’m going to talk about in every review because there are countless people who can do a much better job of it than me.